Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Book on Information Security & Cyber Laws

This book cover the entire syllabus of “Information Security and Cyber Law” which is being offered in all Leading Technical Universities. 

DESCRIPTION: We should understand that there is a need for automated information security analysis, validation, evaluation and testing approaches. Unfortunately there is no state-of-art approach to carrying out information security evaluation in a systematic way. 

Information security evaluation of software-intensive and telecommunications systems typically relies heavily on the experience of the security professionals. Requirements are within the focus of the information security evaluation process. Information security requirements can be based on iterative risk, threat and vulnerability analyses, and technical and architectural information. There is a need for more practical ways to carry out this iterative process.   

       The objective of this book is to introduce the legal issues that have emerged or will likely emerge as a result of advancement of information technologies. After reading this book, people should able to understand basic legal issues relating to business\less model patents, domain name disputes, cyber squatting, MP3 and file sharing, privacy protection in digital information, company policy regarding the employee’s use of e-mail and Internet access, adult-oriented websites, defamation, encryption, liability of service providers, liability of content providers, etc.

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