Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Top 10 Tips by Top Security Company to educate employee on Cyber Security

Cyber threats to your business are usually blamed on outsiders.nefarious programmers writing malicious code designed to pilfer your corporate intelligence, syphon your confidential customer information,and/or raid your financial data. Sometimes, the threat actually originates from within when employees’ ignorance and/or negligence opens the door for cyber criminals.

Aim of writing this article is to provide you with tips for educating your employees about cyber security and helping them learn what they can do (and not do) to keep your business safe.

1. Create and communicate clear-cut security policies.

Develop a precise set of rules for appropriate employee behavior on company computers. Employees should know the rules for email, web browsing, mobile devices, and social networks. An IT policy should include everything from the need to put a computer to sleep when employees leave their desks to instructions for encrypting sensitive emails and everything in between.

2. Test employees’ security knowledge.

 many successful businesses regularly test employees’ knowledge of safe online behavior. These tests can be administered online and include positive reinforcement for completing the requirement. 

3. Require complex passwords that must be updated regularly

It doesn't take a genius criminal mind to decipher the most popular passwords. According to Splash Data, the most popular password in 2013 was “123456.”1 According to security experts at Threat post, weird works best when it comes to passwords.2 Even with complex passwords, it’s important to change them regularly to avoid potential data breaches. Computers infected with key logging malware can capture keystrokes and steal sensitive information from users as was the case in a recent hotel data breach.

4. Teach employees to avoid phishing scams.

Cyber criminals use social engineering to defraud users of their financial information by deceiving them into handing over confidential information. Phishing remains the primary method for infecting users via social engineering, especially for corporate employees. Employees should know that, when in doubt, they should not click on or re-post suspicious links in email, tweets, posts, online ads, messages,or attachments – even if they know the source. Phishing schemes are probably one of the most prevalent methods that cyber criminals use to target businesses via employees. 

5.Create systems to automatically back up work. 

It’s important to encourage and even require employees to regularly back up their work in the event of a breach.Some systems will not allow people to shut down computers without first backing up the day’s work. 

6. Use spam and web filters to close windows of vulnerability

Spam filters allow companies to limit the number of unwanted emails and weed out some of the more obvious criminal communications directed at employees. Web filters allow companies to limit the duration and time of day that employees visit particular websites not required for their work. 

7. Utilize systems management tools to ensure

all software updates are installed across multiple endpoints. Systems Management technology can be used to search for network services and unauthorized devices as well as vulnerabilities and automatic updates of vulnerable applications. With a centralized management system, a security solution with systems management technology can scan all endpoints for vulnerabilities and unused network services; detect and analyze vulnerable applications; and update vulnerable components and applications.

8. Don’t forget mobile.

Research analyst firm Gartner forecasts that the total number of tablets sold will climb to 326 million by 2015.7 All of these mobile devices are finding their way into work environments. By 2016, 38% of organizations will have stopped providing mobile devices to employees, instead allowing employees to choose and use their own devices in the workplace. By 2017, half of employees will be using their own devices for work. At the same time, personal mobile devices used for work-related purposes represent one of the main hazards for businesses: 65% of IT Managers surveyed for a recent B2B International report saw their company’s BYOD policy as a threat

9. Keep the lines of communications open

between IT and other staff. Employee education isn't a set it and forget it function. IT staff should regularly disseminate news and information about the latest cyber threats so employees are aware of the risks and know how to defend against them.

10. Select a trusted security partner.

Where experts are on your side to help you establish, maintain, and teach a security policy designed to protect your organization.

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