Thursday, June 21, 2012

Internet Safety Cyber Warrior Pledge

I will follow all rules that my parents/guardian or educators set up for 
going online. I will not break these rules because I know that my safety 
online is important. 
I will tell a trusted adult if I receive a message 

that makes me feel uncomfortable and will 
block cyberbullies. 
I will not download anything without permission from my 
parents/guardian or educator.  
I will never share or post personal information online without 
permission from my parents or guardian. This includes my name, 
address, school information, parents’ or guardian’s work information or pictures of myself or family. 
I will never respond to mean messages that I receive, for example through email, instant messaging or in chatrooms. I will tell a trusted adult about these messages and delete them. I will never send mean messages myself. 
I will never meet a stranger that I met online in person without 
getting permission from my parents or guardian. If my parents or guardian 
give me permission I will make sure that they come with me to keep me safe.

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